
At Cashmore Early Years Centre it is important to us that we work in partnership with you. You are the person that your child first learns from and we know how important a part of parenting that is. We aim to involve you in the Centre and really want to hear what you think. We welcome you to contribute in whatever way you can. We work hard to build a trusting and open relationship with you.

You can talk to your child’s key person and any of our staff at the start or end of a session. Please talk to us if you have any concerns, if anything has changed at home that you think may affect your child or to share something great that they have done.

For further information on the EYFS for parents click here

You can download our curriculum here Our Curriculum

Also, for more information on what you and your child can expect you can download St Philip’s and Cashmore brochure 2022

Are you or your child affected by a partner/parent in prison? If so we can offer support. Please contact Sharon Cutler on 0117 9776171.
