A few ideas …

by | Mar 23, 2020 | News

Hello to all of our families, we hope you are keeping well and safe and practising social distancing. You will all be receiving calls from your key person this week who want to check you are all okay.

In the mean time here are some links to different activities that your child might enjoy or to groups that can offer inspiration.

* This a Facebook group offering a huge range of different ideas for activities and for support. It is called Family lockdown tips and ideas.

* Every morning at 9.00 the fitness coach, Joe Wicks, is offering a child friendly exercise regime. Type Joe Wicks into YouTube and click on his YouTube channel.

* Cosmic kids yoga on YouTube is great for children to practice their movement. The videos involve storytelling and invites children to use their imagination.

* A children’s entertainer is also offering free live recordings, usually involving some fun story telling. https://facebook.com/events/s/free-online-toddler-group/247799796254003/?ti=cl

* If your child loves singing and dancing then the people who run dancin’ tots are also doing free Live sessions. Songs like the hokey cokey and nursery rhymes. It can be fun for the adults too!!
If you search for Dancin’ Tots on Facebook (they are normally based in Staple Hill) and join the group you should be able to receive notifications about when the live videos are going to be.

* Some of the songs that your children may be used to singing can be found here. https://www.bbc.co.uk/…/nursery-rhymes-songs-medleys/zf2792p

We fully appreciate this can be a hard time for many, but we hope you manage to have fun with your children, that’s the main thing. Just playing, having fun, and staying safe.
