Bristol Standard award

by | Feb 1, 2021 | News

We were delighted to receive our certificate recently for the Bristol Standard in recognition of our continuing reflective journey. This is what they said about our submission.
“…The validation panel felt that your submission shows your commitment to supporting the needs of your children and families within your community and this is threaded throughout your practice.
The range of annotated photos brought your whole submission to life and showed us the rich experiences you offer to the children.
Your induction process is really thoughtful and clearly communicated to parents and carers, ensuring children quickly feel a sense of welcoming and belonging. You embrace the diversity of your community and involve them in the setting.
The rain forest project looks amazing. This will provide inner city children with the opportunity to engage with nature and learn about the wider world as well as creating a calming, nurturing environment.
We were really interested in your outdoor Learning Policy, showing how much you value children having free access to the outdoors, whatever the weather. It’s clear that children lead the learning in your setting while the adults support and develop this for each individual child…“
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