The Big Ambition – have your say!

by | Oct 10, 2023 | News

The Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, has launched #TheBigAmbition to hear directly from children and young people about what they want from Government.
#TheBigAmbition is a new campaign to ensure that children and young people are at the heart of the political debate so their voices help shape decisions that will impact their futures.
Dame Rachel wants #TheBigAmbition to be the most ambitious and comprehensive survey ever to capture children and young people’s voices. This is a critical moment as we approach the next General Election to make sure that children and young people’s voice and needs are heard by Government and policy makers.
This survey is for all children and young people aged 6-18 and for parents/carers who can complete the survey on behalf of children aged 0-5. This will ensure we hear from early years settings. Adults can also assist children who are unable to complete the survey independently.
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